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Johnny Depp libel case keeps domestic violence awareness highAs many will be aware, in recent weeks, the Hollywood actor Johnny Depp lost his libel case against The Sun, which described him as a ‘wife beater’ It keeps in the spotlight the difficult subject of domestic abuse, but perhaps this celebrity gossip could not have come at a more appropriate time to heighten public awareness of a topic that society has to continuously tackle. Whilst this celebrity drama ensures there has been much written about the private life of one of the world’s best-known actors, and his ex-wife Amber Heard, it has the welcome impact of stoking a debate that so desperately needs the oxygen of publicity in what is a worrying time. Being family law experts in Staines we have a window into this world, but this incident and the timing means we feel it is our public duty to make some strong points, because currently the situation many find themselves in is a breeding ground for domestic abuse. For the last reported year where there are statistics, April 2018 to March 2018, there were shown to be a 27 per cent rise in women killed by an abusive partner in the UK, on the year before, with 80 women killed. However, this is the extreme end of the spectrum. There are thousands of people of both sexes, currently going through a hellish time as lockdown, and uncertain freedom in the months ahead leave them at the mercy of a controlling partner, as the virus which has changed our lives so much continues unabated. The issues surrounding Johnny Depp, who now has to try to rebuild his career tainted by these allegations, are issues that happen behind closed doors in homes throughout the land every day of the week. Very often the abused suffer in silence, away from their loved ones. We ask that those of you who suspect you can see a window into a world of someone who is being abused to seek support for them or pass on the details of someone who can help such as Women’s Aid It is a delicate topic, but intervention can often help people escape the hellish cycle of abuse and rebuild their lives. In the never to be forgotten winter of 2020 it is a message that has never been so vital to everyone. Our experts in family law in Staines are here to help, so do contact them for advice and support. ![]() |