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New study shows relationship break up often survives divorceAs family law experts here in Staines, we often have to oversee many sad situations where couples go their separate ways. It is therefore heartening to hear that a new survey shows there is hope even after a relationship has seemingly ended. The survey carried out by match.com, found that 54% of people here in the UK who’ve broken up in the past five years, reconciled. Amongst the plethora of statistics, it also showed that on average, a couple will go through three break-ups before eventually moving on. The survey though does not seem to be indicative across the whole age range, and is skewed by the generation known as “the millennials”, who are people now in their 30s. So, whilst the results may be of interest, we believe the difficulties of relationship break up, should in no way be underestimated. As this survey demonstrates, divorce and relationship breakdowns are complicated and problematic. For law experts in Staines, marriage break up is a very sobering area of law due to the impact it has on people’s lives – not only the couple involved, but their children, close relatives and friends. This is at the forefront of mind for all trusted family law experts, who really take the time in getting to know their client and the situation in-depth, before taking on any case fully. Surveys like the one from match.com may trivialise the impact of relationship breakdown. However all people affected by marriage break up, who are seeking legal help in divorce, need the right help to ensure they can make the correct decisions, which have such a weight of gravity for their future. The part trusted family law experts’ play in the complexities of separation cannot be underestimated and should never be overlooked. We believe everyone should receive expert advice, because just as in any course of treatment, the right advice can mean the issues are resolved sooner rather than later. If anyone wishes to know more about divorce or any other aspect of family law they can call us here at Dale and Newbery in Staines on 01784 464491. We are happy to help at such difficult times. ![]() |