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People dying without a Will doubles in last five yearsNews that the number of enquirers about people who have died without making a Will, known as intestate, has more than doubled over the past five years, is an alarming statistic for all of us. New figures from Citizens Advice reported to the BBC said it had 1,522 such queries in 2011, rising to 3,747 in 2015, as well as a rise in queries about problems executing Wills of more than 36 per cent in the same period. As solicitors here in Staines advising on Wills and dealing with deceased estates, we frequently stress the importance of making Wills, but worryingly too few people are listening. We are sure there are a myriad of reasons as to why this is the case, but we need to continue to educate the public as to why making a Will is so vital. Here at Dale and Newbery, we often tell of the immense stress that dying without a Will can cause for loved ones. There is uncertainty and in the case of people who have led less than straightforward lives, where they have had more than one marriage or children from more than one relationship, matters can get extremely difficult. A Will is something everyone needs and the safest and the only sensible way to make one is with a trusted solicitor. Too many people die every year without a Will or without one that has been properly drafted by a professional. If you pass away without a Will your final wishes may well go unheeded, and your family and other loved ones will probably have to cope with additional financial stress at a time of great upset. A Will is one of those things in life, which is seldom urgent, but hugely important. From experience we can say those who see us to make their Will have a great sense of relief and their families have peace of mind. It really is worth taking the time to do, so we urge the public in Staines to think about their own situation and drawing up a Will. Please call us today on 01784 464491. ![]() |
Latest NewsCharity’s Loss Due to Invalid Will Highlights Importance of Trusted Law Firms
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Flexible working proving thorny issue for employers and employees alike
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Why a Lasting Power of Attorney might be more important than a Will
Published on: 07 Jan 2025
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©2021 Dale & Newbery
1 x Application (86.95%) | 159.14ms |
1 x Booting (12.9%) | 23.60ms |
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