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Alarming statistics demonstrate 2022 resolution many should makeWith a new year on the horizon, it is fair to say that many of us will soon be making those new year resolutions, after maybe a little overindulgence in the next couple of weeks. However, there is one legal resolution which is one of the most sensible pieces of advice we can give to the public as a year ends and a new one comes into view. It is a simple resolution, which if acted upon will save a great deal of heartache for families and gives piece of mind for many approaching the later years of life. It involves a document called a Lasting Power of Attorney, which means loved ones are appointed if someone is no longer able to look after their own affairs. With hundreds of thousands of people in the UK suffering some form of dementia, which is an umbrella term for many memory loss diseases, taking action whilst you are mentally fit to appoint those to look after your affairs when you can’t is a sensible step. Putting into context the issues with dementia around 1 in 14 people over 65 suffer from it, around 1 in 6 over 80, and the number of sufferers is expected to double in this country in the next 30 years. Why does the disease seem to be growing many will wonder? Well sadly, whilst people are now living longer one of the flip sides is that they are not always in the best of health and whilst the body may tick along often the mind fails. The Mental Capacity Act 2005 is there to help in that it allows people to manage their finances on behalf of their incapacitated loved ones, under lasting power of attorney agreements. Simply speaking, it is a document which allows another person to make decisions, where a person has lost mental capacity, but it is worth noting that it can only be set up when the person is still of sound mind and completely able to make decisions for themselves. Once this is in place, it does not mean the person who made it can no longer make decisions. They can do as they always did but the appointed attorney is there just in case they do experience any issues and need help. As Lasting Power of Attorney Experts in Staines we make many hundreds of these each year, so are well-versed and can answer any questions you may have We always say aspects of the law follows people for times of life when big decisions have to be made and this a pragmatic approach to a very real problem. If you wish to know more, please contact us we are happy to help. We also take this opportunity to wish everyone a happy, safe, and peaceful festive season. ![]() |