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Our Latest News

What’s happening to the housing market in Staines?

It’s undoubtedly the case that we in England have something of an obsession with property, but...

Watchdog investigation shows the importance in trusted traditional law firms

A decision by the UK’s competition watchdog to investigate legal providers offering quickie di...

Sad battle over Aretha Franklin’s fortune a wider lesson to us all

For anyone with an interest in music Aretha Franklin needs no introduction. Rated by many as the...

Report shows concerns over rogue legal providers

Unregulated legal services providing poor service for the public is causing concern amongst many rep...

Many ignoring warning signs of dementia says charity

Despite cases of dementia having risen dramatically in recent decades many sufferers and their famil...

Report reveals Long Covid sufferer’s mistreatment at hands of employers

Over a million people have faced what they see as unfair treatment from employers since they contrac...

Co-habiting couples making up share of first-time buyer market

A new report has shown that more than six in 10 first-time buyers are registering two or more names...

Is the New Year really the final straw for many marriages?

Within the legal profession it has been a long running narrative that the festive season is the end...

Could it be the end of the destructive ‘common law’ myth?

Recent news that calls for cohabitation law reform are being led by a group of cross-party MPs is a...

Why you need to review your estate as Inheritance Tax hits new high

Figures recently released by HM Revenue & Customs show that inheritance tax (IHT) receipts betwe...