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Our Latest News

Why are we seeing record house prices?

In June, house prices here in England hit a new high, which will leave many people scratching their...

Firm’s work from home deal shows changed post pandemic employment world

With the grip Covid 19 had on the nation finally now having loosened, we find ourselves in a very di...

Marriage laws need strengthening as tale of dementia patient demonstrates

It may surprise you that in this day and age someone with advanced dementia can remarry so that thei...

Dale & Newbery secure £1.25m for personal injury client

A young man who suffered life-changing injuries when a roof panel struck him during a storm has sett...

Property market sees buoyant start to 2022

Despite still living in somewhat peculiar times the housing market in the UK remains healthy, making...

Alarming statistics demonstrate 2022 resolution many should make

With a new year on the horizon, it is fair to say that many of us will soon be making those new year...

Danger of unregulated Wills cannot be underestimated

For high quality law firms looking out for their clients best interests, there are few things as con...

What are your rights if your boss wants you back in the office

Thankfully, as we enter the autumn of 2021 the world is beginning to resemble the place we once knew...

Legal satisfaction hits a new high despite pandemic’s challenges

Recent news that client satisfaction in legal services has hit a new high is welcome news to not onl...

Property boom shows little sign of a slowdown

When we all first began to feel our lives had become intertwined with some kind of sci-fi movie, jus...